The Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences (EIS) is committed to creating a safe, welcoming and inclusive space for all staff and students in the faculty and to ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard.
We want to understand the issues you are facing, address any concerns you may have and listen to your ideas for making EIS a more equitable, diverse and inclusive place to work and study. We also want to celebrate success stories in EIS and learn from successful initiatives elsewhere in UOW or even external to the University.
You can use this form as many times as you like to identify issues, share ideas and celebrate successes.
Your responses are anonymous and confidential, but you will have the opportunity to include your e-mail address with your response if you are willing to engage in further discussion.
Does your feedback pertain to a specific School or Entity in EIS, or to the Faculty as a whole?
Data Collection Statement
The information you provide on this form will be used by the Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences to make EIS a more equitable, diverse and inclusive place to work and study. Responses are confidential and no information will be shared without consent.
Further information regarding UOW’s commitment to privacy can be found at https://www.uow.edu.au/privacy/ or by calling 1300 367 869 within Australia.